1. Ahir Bhairav/Nat Bhairav
2. Rag Piloo
3. Bhoop
4. Rag Des
5. Rag Pahadi
Well this was a pretty album. I know absolutely nothing about Indian classical music. In fact, my knowledge of India is limited to a couple of Amitabh Bachan films, a fondness for lamb biryani, and owning an Ashe Bhosle compilation CD. What I've gathered from this album is that, whereas Western classical music tends to put a big emphasis on melody and theme, Hindustani classical music is more about harmony, drones, and the groove.
I really don't know what to say about this, except that it's a lovely album. Apparently it's telling a day in the life of a Kashmiri shepherd? Not something that's apparent from the music, although I do know from a Paul Scott novel that the Indians have ragas for different times of the day, and so someone more knowledgeable than I might have picked-up on that without having to read the Wikipedia article.
Obviously, Indian music had a big impact on pop and rock in the late 60s. Ever since the Beatles dropped "Norwegian Wood", the presence of a sitar has signalled that you about to hear some pretty trippy shit. And honestly, I could listen to the tablas all day. Especially that one that makes a weird, watery "boing" sound, kind of like an emu. This album isn't really trippy, but it is very pretty and relaxing. The way the different instruments wander and complement each other, jazzy and free but perfectly in sync, all anchored by some wonderful drumming, is just great. There isn't really a single melody you could hum afterwards, but that's not really the point. This album is about sustained mood, really. You sort of drop into this idealised world and inhabit it for a little while, and come out feeling like you've just taken a shower.
So, a good album about which I am thoroughly unqualified to speak. Definitely worth tracking down.
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